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#BOCBMG: VfL to play in special jersey


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The war in Ukraine, in the middle of Europe, is still ongoing. Millions of people are fleeing, many have already fallen victim to the violence. Families have been and are being separated, there is unimaginable suffering. VfL Bochum 1848 is shocked by the events and has made its position unmistakably clear: we condemn the Russian attack in the strongest possible terms and show our solidarity with Ukraine and the people in the country.

In addition to the donation measures already underway, there is now further support: main sponsor Vonovia and premium partner VIACTIV have taken part in a special campaign for the top match on Friday evening against Borussia Mönchengladbach. The VfL professionals will be wearing special jerseys in this match. In addition to the main sponsor Vonovia, the message “United Living Peacefully” will be printed on the chest.

VIACTIV Krankenkasse will add the internationally known “Peace” sign to its logo on the jersey sleeve. The special jerseys will be auctioned off in the week following the match against the “Fohlen”. The sum generated will then flow as a donation to the organizations known from the previous call. The auction will run on the platform “United Charity”, detailed information will follow in the coming week.

“The war in Ukraine is horrific and in no way acceptable, the fate of the population there moves us very much,” says Hans-Peter Villis, CEO of VfL Bochum 1848. “That we support as a VfL family is natural. So far, the well-known fundraising campaign has already generated around 60,000 euros. The campaign is still going on, so hopefully much more money will be collected to be able to help the people in Ukraine. It is great that we were able to develop and implement the idea for the special jerseys so quickly together with our partners Vonovia and VIACTIV. I hope for a high donation amount.”

Vonovia Management Board member Arnd Fittkau added: “We condemn the war in the strongest possible terms. The people in Ukraine and all those who come to us have our full solidarity. We show that through this jersey.”

“Willy Brandt once said, “But everything is nothing without peace.” This quote has unlimited validity in view of the dramatic situation in Ukraine,” says Markus Müller, CEO of VIACTIV Health Insurance. “It is an honor and a matter of the heart for us to set a sign of solidarity with VfL Bochum for the people in Ukraine.”

Fundraising efforts continue

Since last week, several measures exist on the part of VfL Bochum 1848 to support the people in Ukraine. The call for donations in kind for the “Bochum-Donezk Alliance” has started successfully, as has the fundraising campaign via betterplace.org. VfL has contributed €50,000 to the campaign.

The donations will benefit the following organizations, which will use them according to the needs of the local people:

– UN Refugee Aid

– SOS Children’s Villages worldwide

– Aktion Deutschland Hilft


– German Red Cross (DRK)

On the donations page, the organizations are also linked so that it is possible to find out more about how the donations are used. The donations are distributed to all organizations in equal amounts on an ongoing basis. The donation page is available here



#BOCBMG: VfL to play in special jersey
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