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Baumgartlinger: “We have similar principles”


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Baumgartlinger: “We have similar principles”

FCA’s latest signing on his move

FC Augsburg added their fourth signing on the summer with the arrival of Julian Baumgartlinger on Tuesday. The experienced Austrian, who has 239 Bundesliga games under his belt, spoke to the media after his first training session about

… the transfer coming about at short notice: “The first contact came last week and we met on Wednesday. We got along straight away and came to an agreement relatively quickly.”

…his training sessions over the past few weeks: “I’ve been training alone at home. Physically it hasn’t been a problem and I’ve been able to do a lot of endurance work, but some of the work today, like sprints or duels against another player has obviously been missing.”

… reasons behind his move to FCA: “I’ve always crossed paths with the club, especially during games in the Bundesliga. We’ve always had real fights away in Augsburg and therefore I’ve experienced first hand what has been established here over recent years. The team is really interesting and I had a really good discussion with the head coach too. We have similar principles and values and I found that to be exactly the case in the dressing room as well.”

… his current level: “We’ll have to wait and see. In terms of my fitness, there’s no problem; I was able to complete two double sessions today without any major difficulties. I want to improve in relation to timing, sharpness and sprints in the coming weeks and then we’ll look at it together to see what time is best.”

… moving to Augsburg: “Everything went really really quickly. My family is still in Düsseldorf because my children are at nursery there. First of all I’ll get settled in as a footballer and then the rest will follow. My wife is from Munich and Augsburg is only two hours from my hometown, which is really nice for us.”

… the upcoming game against his former club Mainz: “We’ll see if five trainings sessions are enough to be able to play. The head coach will decide in the end and I’ll have to see how I’m finding it. However, the team showed on Saturday how well they can play and that they absolutely want to keep pushing on. I’ll always try to support the team however I can.”

… relatable playerse at Augsburg: “A lot of Austrian players have played for Augsburg in the past, such as Alex Manninger, who was always someone I could go to in the national team. I also know Daniel Baier really well from our time at 1860 Munich. Florian Niederlechner is someone I’ve known for a long time since we were both at Mainz, so I’ve always looked out for how Augsburg were doing.”

Julian Baumgartlinger

Baumgartlinger: “We have similar principles”
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