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  3. “They were quite right!”

“They were quite right!”

Christian Groß leans on a wall, with the wohninvest WESERSTADION in the background

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WERDER.DE: Moin Grosso, we’re very happy that you have extended your contract with the club. You turn 34 years old on Wednesday, so did you at all consider ending your career in summer?

Christian Groß: I had already made the decision based on how I felt physically. In the training camp I noticed that my fitness levels were still very good. Following that, I didn’t ask myself the question. Of course, at this age you think more short-term, but I like to go out onto the training pitch and I am still full of energy.

WERDER.DE: We have talked a lot about your special journey to the Bundesliga. Do you still think that you are able to develop further?

Christian Groß: Sure, you never stop learning. I started playing in the Bundesliga quite late in my career, and for me it’s been a time when I can always learn something new. Especially as you get older, you have a different perspective on things and question them differently.

WERDER.DE: You are now the oldest player in the squad. What can you pass on to your younger teammates from your experiences?

Christian Groß: That they should use their time well! In my early days, the older players said that your time is over quickly. And they were quite right. I am now trying to fill this role and pass on my experience to the young players, because there are just some things that young players don’t take into account.

WERDER.DE: Unlike your younger teammates, you aren’t on social media. When things don’t go well, a lot of criticism goes around. When it does, however, players in your position tend to be less in the spotlight. Do you notice that?

Christian Groß: Very little. But you do notice one or two things. Social media has become important. The fact that there are emotions and opinions is what makes football. In the same way, people come to the stadium to express their opinions. I try to block out the negativity in order to concentrate on what’s important, that is the opinions and feedback from the coach and the club.

WERDER.DE: The feedback seems to be very good, which is why you will continue to wear the Werder shirt in the coming season.

Christian Groß: Next year is still far away, however. We have all had a warning and need to stay on it and continue developing. We have to be able to perform consistently, and as well as having passion, play our game with the ball.

“They were quite right!”
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