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Discover tomorrow’s digital world today

Eine Grafik zum neuen Decentraland des VfL Wolfsburg.

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Virtual worlds are taking over, with gaming and the Metaverse currently the biggest growth markets in the Blockchain sector. A number of observers see the Metaverse as the logical development of social networks and the current Web 2.0. For a number of years now, VfL Wolfsburg has been a pioneer in terms of basis technologies, including 3D simulations, VR experiences and most notably all of the potential to be found in Blockchain technologies, such as NFTs and Web3.

In addition to various NFT projects, VfL is now launching a ‘walkable website’ in the form of a fan-house in Decentraland. The club has built its own corporate crypto-infrastructure that enables interaction with decentralised applications such as Decentraland. The club has thus created an emotional, interactive community in the virtual space, making the Wolves even easier to experience. The Green-and-Whites are the first football club to be testing and implementing such new possibilities on their own, to enable fans and members to have an even better interaction with VfL. The technologies and possibilities of the Metaverse vision are absolutely ideal for this, and to help their supporters and business partners to separate the hype from the actual substance and added value, the Wolves are determined to be perfect point of contact.

“We believe in the future of Web3 and have laid the necessary foundations for taking the next steps,” explained Linus Lebugle, Head of Business Development at VfL Wolfsburg. “We are proud of the fact that VfL – and therefore Volkswagen as well – have built up their own corporate crypto-infrastructure, enabling us to interact with all the decentralised blockchains and their uses. The journey in this case is more important than the destination. With all of the experiences that we have had in this domain, we have been able to acquire knowledge in a number of relevant areas such as legal, tax and even 3D modelling.

“All of this expertise can be carried over to every new decentralised project with just a few simple modifications, since the Decentraland plot of land is by no means the finish line – it is a first step on the way to finding what promises to be an exciting future. The entire ecosystem is developing at an incredible pace. We have our own representation in the Web3 space and see our fan-house in Decentraland as a ‘walkable website‘ and also proof of the fact that we are looking to embody our innovation market value via the efforts that we are making with our partners and sponsors.”

Discover tomorrow’s digital world today
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