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  3. “I want to learn and gain match practice”

“I want to learn and gain match practice”


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Hi Frans. You’ve been with us for six weeks now. How come you decided to join VfB?

Frans: “There were several reasons. The club’s appeal, our coach and the team were all crucial factors. I want to learn from the great team-mates I have at VfB and, ideally, gain match practice.”

Have you settled in well in Stuttgart?

Frans: “Yes – very well, actually. I’ve found a flat just outside the centre and am able to balance my private life with football matters in Stuttgart very well.”

How much does your return to the Bundesliga mean to you?

Frans: “The Bundesliga is Germany’s top division. As a young German footballer, that’s where you want to be in order to test yourself against the best in the country. It means a great deal to be back here. I’m looking forward to the season.”

What was your highlight of the VfB Japan Tour 2024?

Frans: “The trip was full of special moments. Apart from the sporting aspect, I found the cultural activities in each city and the museum visits very informative and exciting.”

What are your goals for VfB’s European campaign?

Frans: “My personal objective is to get better and to do a good job of putting the coach’s instructions into practice. That combination of match practice and learning is a big deal, as VfB demonstrated last season. I want to be a part of that now.”

How do you assess your role of providing competition on the left side?

Frans: “As a competitor and challenger, you’re able to prove on a daily basis that you can’t rest on your laurels. I see it as a cool challenge and am very happy to take on that role. I’m here when I’m needed.”

Our final friendly of pre-season doubles up as our official season opener. Are you looking forward to your first home game at the MHP Arena?

Frans: “The connection with the fans is very important to me. I’ve already heard a lot about VfB fans and managed to get to know several of them at our first open training session in Cannstatt, and in Japan too. Now I want to experience the home games at the arena for myself. I’m really looking forward to my first game at the MHP Arena on Saturday. It’s going to be a special day for me.”

“I want to learn and gain match practice”
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