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Aretz: “The process of improvement will never be completed”


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Aretz: “The process of improvement will never be completed”

CEO Markus Aretz discusses Borussia’s ongoing commitment to sustainable development, regulatory requirements, and the challenges they face.

As we approach the new year, it’s common to reflect on the twelve months that have passed. In 2023, what do you consider to be Borussia’s most significant step towards greater sustainability?

Aretz: Sustainability isn’t a passing fad for us. Borussia is not simply following a trend, but is committed to acting as a responsible club, business, and employer. That’s why the incorporation of sustainability into the club’s charter as an integral part of our mission statement was of great significance to us. The unanimous vote at the AGM in April 2023 clearly demonstrated that this aligns with the desires of our club members.

Speaking of not being a passing trend, the Bundesliga has its own criteria to ensure that clubs continue their journey towards sustainable development.

Aretz: Absolutely. Since the 2023/2024 season, the DFL sustainability criteria have become an essential part of the licensing process. Borussia also gave its approval during the DFL members’ meeting in December 2022. We had to address 117 specific criteria encompassing environmental, economic, and social aspects, presenting concepts and describing actions that we take. This will remain an integral part of the licensing regulations in the upcoming seasons. Additionally, there will be financial penalties if certain criteria are not met in the future.

It sounds quite challenging. How prepared was Borussia for that?

Aretz: Dealing with such an extensive regulatory framework certainly required thorough preparation. Thankfully, we had already embarked on our sustainability journey at Borussia as early as 2022, when we decided to establish a sustainability management system based on the renowned “ZNU Standard – Driving Sustainability Change” from Witten/Herdecke University. Within this framework, our newly formed CSR & Sustainability department collaborated with colleagues throughout the organisation to address and document sustainable topics. What we all realised is that sustainability goes beyond the conventional understanding of environmental issues and is in fact intertwined with all aspects of our daily operations. Since the ZNU Standard, like the DFL criteria, undergoes an impartial audit, we were at least familiar with the approach and successfully navigated the licensing process. In 2024, we must also prepare for mandatory sustainability reporting, which the European Union has mandated and will be part of our annual financial statements starting in 2026.

How would you characterise Borussia’s position at the end of 2023?

Aretz: “Getting stuck in rather than just taking part” was once the motto of a private sports broadcaster in Germany. That also applies for Borussia and our commitment to sustainability. We are continually connecting more areas and processes with sustainability considerations, and constantly assessing areas for improvement. This involves meticulous attention to detail and often uncovers conflicting objectives. Take for instance our goal of achieving sustainable sporting success while implementing energy-saving measures. Our stadium’s pitch must always be in perfect condition to provide the best possible conditions for our team. However, maintaining the pitch during the dark and cold months requires the use of heating and lighting systems that consume significant amounts of energy. We experiment daily to determine how we can reduce the operating hours of these systems. Or consider our goal to expand our fan base and increase our attendance at games, all while recognising that fan travel contributes to approximately half of the CO2 emissions associated with Borussia. There’s no quick, comprehensive solution for fans who travel an average of over 100 kilometres and rely on cars due to limitations in local infrastructure. Nevertheless, we remain committed, creating solutions such as expanding the electric charging infrastructure at BORUSSIA-PARK or developing a carpooling app.

It doesn’t sound like Borussia is close to reaching its objectives…

Aretz: No, and I don’t believe there’s a definitive endpoint. The process of improvement will never be completed. Therefore, we would never claim to be entirely sustainable or, for example, carbon-neutral. However, we are actively dedicated to shaping our society and environment in a way that ensures future generations can live and grow up freely and with a good quality of life.

Aretz: “The process of improvement will never be completed”
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