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Sports Governance Codex


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VfL Bochum 1848 are the first sports organisation ever to submit a declaration according to the Sports Governance Codex

The VfL Bochum 1848 GmbH & Co. KGaA has submitted a declaration according to the Sports Governance Codex. With this the club agrees to acknowledges the codex and ensures its application within its sports organisation. At the same time it signals the readiness to remedy possible existing shortcomings. VfL Bochum 1848 are the first football Bundesliga club and the first sports organisation in Germany ever that has submitted a declaration according to the codex. The club fulfills all nine codex principles just yet.

The Sports Governance Codex is a voluntary self-committing set of regulations for the good and sustaining leadership of sports organisations. The codex was developed by the club Sports Governance e.V. together with a founding committee consisting of 28 experts and published in June 2021. It defines a standard for good governance that is a guideline for organisations, leagues and clubs of all sports and dimensions – from competitive to grassroot sport. By its classification into principles, recommendations and suggestions the codex helps to identify important governance aspects and finde a fitting solution for each sports organisation.

Dr Alexander Juschus, president codex committee: “We are delighted that VfL Bochum – a Bundesliga club and therefore one of the most recognisable brands in German sports – are the first organisation to commit to the codex. That will boost the codex and desire od our club.“

Ilja Kaenzig, spokesman of the executive board of VfL Bochum 1848 GmbH & Co. KGaA: “For us the codex is a commitment and an incentive at the same time. Commitment means that we take the topic of a good leadership in sports very serious at VfL Bochum and therefore pay attention to the rules of the codex. Incentive means that we are going to work on the areas where‘s still some room for improvement from our point of view.“ Moreover, Kaenzig explicitly welcomes the introduction of the topic sustainability as a new licensing criterion on the part of the German Football League (DFL) from the 2023/24 season: “For us it’s obvious that also a good leadership has to be a basic element of sustainability.“ VfL Bochum 1848 had campaigned for this position in the development of the DFL set of criteria by their employees in the two task forces sustainability and responsibility.

In concrete terms the Sports Governance-Kodex regulates amongst other the interaction between the management body and the executive board as well as the dealing with conflicts of interests which could threaten the so called checks and balances. Further more, rules are set for finances, risk management and compliance, for a code of ethics and conduct within the organisation, for the communication with different stakeholders and their shares, for reporting towards general or corporate meetings as well as for sustainable and socially resposible acting of the sports organisation.

About the declaration of VfL Bochum 1848

For further information on the Sports Governance Kodex, its principles, recommendations and suggestions as well as on members of the founding commission pleace visit www.sports-governance-kodex.org

About the Sports Governance-Kodex

The Sports Governance-Kodex is a voluntary, self-committing set of rules for the leadership of sports organisations. The codex shall help those responsible, members and anyone who’s interested to evaluate and improve the governance of their sports organisation – from the grass root sports to the national sports association. The codex understands itself as a support service for all those resposible in sports organisations as well es their stakeholders. It offers a guidance and serves as a touchstone of one’s own governance structure. By its organisation in principles, recommendations and suggestions the codex helps to identify improtant governance aspects and to find a customized solution for each sports organisation.

About Sports Governance e.V.

The non-profit Sports Governance e.V. was founded in Hamburg in February 2019. The club‘s aim is a responsible and a sustainability-based sports management. A proactive apporach of the subject of governance should contribute to strengthen the trust of fans, spectators, investors, sponsors and not least of people who are doing sport activities, clubs and organisations in the sport itself. Sports Governance e.V. appears in four sections: events and conferences, measures of further education, scientific publications and network management.


Sports Governance Codex
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