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  3. Alexander Rosen: ”Full trust in the authorities”

Alexander Rosen: ”Full trust in the authorities”


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Mr Rosen, two days have passed since the incident in Augsburg. How do you look back on events?

“It was, is and will remain absolute idiocy. Nothing can justify this irresponsible behaviour on the part of certain individuals. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved once again for their speedy response and effective communication, from the police, the management of FC Augsburg, the referees and the medical and security services. Together, we managed to deal with the situation. We are happy that nothing of the injuries suffered appear to be serious and that two suspected perpetrators have now been identified.”

What is the latest information?

“We are in dialogue with the investigating authorities and have promised the public prosecutor’s office and police every support. According to official police reports, two 28-year-old men from the Göppingen area have been identified as lead suspects. An arrest warrant has been issued for these men and they are now in custody. This is a criminal offence for which the perpetrators must be brought to justice. We have full trust in the work of the investigating authorities.”

How are the injured doing?

“We are in close, direct dialogue with those affected. I wasn’t the only one to speak to them and their relatives on the phone, and they were very grateful for the support they received. We remain in contact with the injured TSG fans and will continue to do our part as a club. We are also in discussion with our fan scene.”

How will the club deal with the alleged offences?

“We immediately and unequivocally condemned the offence on Saturday, which of course also means that any perpetrators have no place at TSG Hoffenheim and will be banned from the club for life. I would like to take this opportunity to explicitly praise the active fan scene, which distanced itself from the incidents both quickly and clearly. Thanks go to the true TSG fans, whose civil courage obviously helped to identify the alleged perpetrators so quickly. There is no place for such people in the Hoffenheim section. Never again.”

Alexander Rosen: ”Full trust in the authorities”
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