In cooperation with the two Dortmund Zonta clubs, Borussia Dortmund and Borussia Mönchengladbach are setting a joint example at their Bundesliga match at SIGNAL IDUNA PARK: to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 November, both clubs are taking part in the “Zonta Says No” campaign.

One in three women in Germany have been impacted by physical and/or sexualised violence on at least one occasion in their lives – that is more than 12 million women. In addition, more than half of all women avoid certain places after dark and feel unsafe. All of this points towards the fact that violence against women is a widespread, omnipresent and structural problem rather than a fringe phenomenon that only occurs in certain circles.

“BVB are the figurehead in Dortmund. We therefore have the aspiration and the responsibility to give women the visibility that they deserve. We want to use our appeal and the strength of our community not only to bring women together, to promote and protect them – but also to resolutely oppose violence against them at all levels of society,” explained Borussia Dortmund’s Managing Director Carsten Cramer.

“We are taking a stand against all forms of violence and want to consciously use today to draw attention to the situation of women, who are often physically or mentally attacked at a disproportional rate in our society. The available statistics make it clear that it is important to draw attention to this unacceptable situation and to work to put a lasting end to violence,” said Markus Aretz, the Managing Director of Borussia Mönchengladbach.

Both clubs already took a joint stance before the match with posts on their social media channels. In addition, a panel discussion on the topic of “Preventing violence against women” took place at SIGNAL IDUNA PARK last Wednesday.

“Combating violence against women is a matter for society as a whole. Let’s all look together and break the silence! Borussia Dortmund and Borussia Mönchengladbach are setting an important example with their actions,” said Dr Susanne von Bassewitz, Past President Zonta International. 

Borussia Dortmund have compiled further information on the campaign and ways to protect and prevent violence here.

BVB staff, players and officials are also taking a stand against violence against women:

To the video


Since 2012, “Zonta Says NO” has served as the global umbrella of Zonta International for the “Orange The World” activities of 1,100 Zonta clubs in 63 countries worldwide, including 136 Zonta clubs in Germany alone involving approximately 4,000 women. Since 2013, the campaign has supported the United Nations’ 16 Days of Activism from 25 November to 10 December using the motto “Orange The World”.

At the same time, Zonta also supports projects at a local level to combat and prevent violence against women and girls.

More information on the whole Zonta campaign can be found here.