Tickets for away match in Dortmund


Tickets for 1. FC Union Berlin’s next away Bundesliga match at Borussia Dortmund will be available for Union members from Monday at 12:00.

Borussia Dortmund will make 1250 away tickets available depending on pandemic situations. In Dortmund, the 2G strategy is in place – recovered from coronavirus or vaccinated. Children, adults U18 and pregnant women are exempt from this rule but most provide evidence of negative test (PCR, quick test not older than 48h).

Away Ticket Prices:

  • Seat | Block 61/70 | 37 Euro* (Full Price)
  • Seat | Block 8/60 | 16 Euro* (Full Price) to standing
  • No concession tickets are available

Member Sale:

  • from Monday | 06.09.2021 | 12:00
  • Eligible: Union Members
  • Limit: 1 ticket | up to 3 tickets can be booked

Ticket Booking Details:

  • Tickets are exclusively available online.
  • Tickets are personalised and cannot be passed on.
  • Booking tickets for others is only possible with an online account. The tickets are assigned under “mein Tickets”.
  • When booking a ticket for additional persons, the customer number must be entered in addition to the first name and last name. The customer number can be found under “my account” via “my customer data”
  • Once stored, accompanying persons can be found for further personalised ticket purchases under “my account” via “contacts/ticket users”.

The purchase of guest tickets is offered exclusively via mail order.

The hygiene rules that apply at SIGNAL IDUNA PARK are described in detail here.

*Prices plus VVK and online fees

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