Pre-match facts: VfB vs. Eintracht Frankfurt


Record against Frankfurt

Overall: 117 games. 50 wins, 24 draws, 43 defeats. 211:202 goal difference.

Looking back

The two sides drew 1-1 in their recent meeting in the league, with Silas scoring the equaliser. VfB lost 3-1 in the reverse fixture, Tiago Tomas scoring late to reduce the deficit. It’s almost 25 years since their last encounter in the cup – in September 1998, VfB won 3-2 against a newly promoted Frankfurt side thanks to Kristijan Djordjevic, Krisztian Lisztes and a last-minute goal from Martin Spanring.


Two of Eintracht’s back-up goalkeepers have connections to Stuttgart. Jens Grahl had a second spell at VfB between 2016 and 2021 having played for the club as a youngster. Grahl, who was born in Stuttgart, never made a competitive senior appearance for his hometown club but was part of the squad that were promoted to the Bundesliga in 2017.

Diant Ramaj also hails from Stuttgart and counts VfB among the clubs he played for in his youth.


The semi-final against Eintracht is sold out.

Team news

Serhou Guirassy was able to return to full training on Tuesday following the head injury he sustained against Borussia Mönchengladbach.

For the visitors, Philipp Max (thigh), Hrjove Smolcic (meniscus) and Kristijan Jakic (calf) are definitely ruled out.

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