“Many people have a part in it”

Anthony Jung leaning against a wall and smiling. In the background is the Werder logo.

After Anthony Jung signed his new contract, he gave an interview for WERDER.DE. The 31-year-old revealed that the day of signing is still special, despite his experience in doing so. Jung also spoke about the reasons for his extension, his time up to now at the Green-Whites and his role as an older player in the squad.

WERDER.DE: Moin Tony, you are coming right from your contract signing. The deal is done and you will stay at Werder. As an experience player, are you still excited on a day like this?

Anthony Jung: Not quite as much as at the start, but it is still special. I am very happy that it worked out and that the club has trust in me. On the other hand, I think that I have earned it.

WERDER.DE: There is just weight training left on the agenda today. How will the contract extension be celebrated in the Jung household?

Anthony Jung: My family has played a very big part in this and has had my back the whole time. This is an achievement that lots of people share. You could certainly celebrate that quite well with a glass of wine over dinner.

Of course you also want to fill a certain role and try to be there for the young players.

Anthony Jung

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