Pre-match facts: FC Schalke 04 vs. VfB


Record against Schalke

Overall: 108 games, 45 wins, 19 draws, 44 defeats, 169:148 goal difference

In the Bundesliga: 99 games, 43 wins, 18 draws, 38 defeats, 157:127 goal difference.

Looking back

The teams shared a 1-1 draw in Stuttgart earlier this season. Chris Führich opened the scoring, only for former VfB forward Simon Terodde to equalise a short while later.

Familiar faces

There will be a reunion with Marcin Kaminski this weekend. The Pole was under contract in Stuttgart for five years before joining a recently relegated Schalke side in summer 2021 and helping them return to the top flight at the first attempt. He also won promotion with VfB in 2017 and 2020.

Goals galore

The 99 Bundesliga fixtures between these teams so far have produced 284 goals at an average of 2.87 per game.


Serhou Guirassy (adductor muscle) and Pascal Stenzel (thigh) are both definitely out of the game.


Borna Sosa (99 competitive matches for VfB) and Führich (49) could both reach landmark appearance milestones at Schalke.

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