After cup thrown: #BOCBMG abandoned


The Bundesliga match between VfL Bochum 1848 and Borussia Mönchengladbach was abandoned with the score at 0-2 to the guests. Midway through the second half, linesman Christian Gittelmann was hit on the head by an object while running the line. The referees and both teams initially made their way into the changing room. The referee team then decided not to restart the match.

VfL’s Director of Sport, Sebastian Schindzielorz: “We formally apologise as VfL Bochum 1848 for this incident. We wanted to celebrate a football festival, gain important points in our bid to stay up. It is a great pity that it has now come to this. This must not happen in this form. We wish the linesman a speedy recovery. We have shown throughout the season what wonderful fans we have. This is the act of one individual. I am very sad about it.”


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